This has become one of my favorite photographs. Yes, that is a real duck!! I had a wonderful time with this family - they are easy going and full of laughter. With four kids, I think that is the best thing to have an abundance of next to love - which over flows in this house. I have had 3 sessions with them and the third was the
entire family, a post Thanksgiving day gathering of 14!! It was a beautiful day and I had so much fun. It was casual and full of smiles.
I have been behind in my blogging. It seems the "'hurrieder I get, the more behinder I become" - but that is okay, I am having a great time.
Off to place a large Christmas order - - so if you are waiting on prints, they are either on their way or about to be sent in for printing. ETA of Monday and Thursday!!!
Enjoy the weekend.
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